The club held it's registration day yesterday and while there was quite a few took the time out to renew their own member registration but more importantly to renew their child/children playing registration, there still remains a number of children who have not renewed their membership. As a club we do not want to stop any child from participating in training and forth coming games however the mentors of these teams and the club as a whole cannot be responsible for the costs that could occur due to an injury during these games. Renewal of membership insures that all players adult or juvenile are covered under playing insurances.
Please see the link below that allows parents and adult members to easily renew their membership. As we are still sailing through tough financial times if any parents have difficultly with these payments please do not hesitate to contact a member of the committee and together we can work out some plan to allow the children to play. We thank you all for your continue support and we look forward to another enjoyable and successful year for all our gaels at all levels.
Any queries completing this form contact Steven or Hugh. The form setup will also be your username and password if you intend to support our forthcoming online club lotto. Details to follow soon.