Loughgiel Shamrocks GAC AGM will be held in the club on Sunday 12th January 2020 at 2pm. The 2020 nomination form can be downloaded from the attachment below. Hard copies are also available from The Corner Shop, Loughgiel. ...
Club AGM
AGM is Sunday 12th Jan 2020 @ 2pm in the club. Nomination papers will be available in the local shop or can be downloaded via the website....
Courses and Workshops
Upcoming courses and workshops FOUNDATION COURSE . HURLING AND CAMOGIE Venue Dunloy Gac Child Safe Guarding Thursday 23rd January 7 to 10pm, Hurling /CAMOGIE Foundation Saturday 25th 9am to 4pm part off will be out doors . [ must attend safe guarding and foundation to pass course ] PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS WORKSHOP Ven...
Development Update
Development Update RE new pitch Re-tendering for the new pitch has now been completed. We are now awaiting confirmation from Croke Park ...
2020 Management
Loughgiel Shamrocks GAC are looking ahead to the 2020 playing season and invite nominations for team manager positions, both codes, for the following age groups- U6(P1/2), U8(P3/4), U10(P5/6), U12, U14, U16 & U18(Minor). Please submit interest via Club Secretary Francis Traynor (who can be contacted on 07885 273920) by 9pm on Friday 20th December 2019. ...
Everybody Active Grant

We were one of the lucky applicants for the Everybody Active Grant 2019-20 following an application made to the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. As a result, we will be running two free six week programmes for Women aged 16+ in January - March. These programmes will be aimed at those who do not take part in regular physical activity. Please see our poster attached for more infor...
Senior Camogie
The club would like to invite nominations for the position of Loughgiel Shamrocks GAC Senior Camogie Team manager. This role shall include the management of our Intermediate Camogie team. The closing date to submit interest will be Friday 6th December 2019 at 9pm. Please submit nominations verbally through club secretary Francis Traynor (07885 273920)....
Dinner Dance
Reminder Tickets for our Juvenile Presentation & Hurlers/Camogs Annual Dinner Dance will be on sale this Sunday 17th Nov at the club from 7.30pm to 10pm. Juvenile Presentation - Friday 6th December (please note date chnage) at the Millennium Centre. Tickets for all (players/mentors) are £5 per ticket. Hurlers/Camogs Annual Dinner - Sat 30th No...
Ulster Senior Camogie Final
Ulster Final Ticket Sales Ulster GAA have made provisions to come to Loughgiel to sell tickets for the Ulster Camog and Hurling Finals on Sunday. Tickets will be on sale Thursday 7th November at the club from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Adult €15 / £13 Senior / Student* €12 / £10 Please note the Student price is only available on product...
Ulster Senior Camogie Final
ULSTER SENIOR CAMOGIE FINAL 2019 Loughgiel v Slaughtneil Sunday 10th November 2019 Athletic Grounds, Armagh 1pm Curtain raiser to the Ulster Senior Hurling Final at 3pm Please find attached a link to buy tickets for the Ulster Senior Hurling & Senior Camogie Finals. Tickets Are available to print at home to 1pm Friday 8th November. Tickets...