Please find below and attached a few more club coach Workshops/Conferences which might be of interest to you and/or your club coaches.
Any help in publishing these within your Website, Social Media and local press would be much appreciate.
Sat 18th November - Ulster GAA Coaching & Games Conference 2017
• Jackson’s Hotel, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal
• 9:30am - 3:30pm
• Cost is £30/€35
• Book via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oneills-ulster-gaa-coaching-games-conference-2017-tickets-38494747827?aff=ehomecard
Friday 24th November - Q&A with Martin Fogerty, Tommy Walsh, Jamesie O'Connor & Aidan Fogerty
• Lamh Dhearg GAC, Hannahstown, Belfast
• 8:30pm - 10pm
• Session is free of Charge but please register by e mail to kieran.megraw.ulster@gaa.ie
Saturday 25th November - National Hurling Development Provincial Hurling Coaching Workshop
• Lamh Dhearg GAC, Hannahstown, Belfast
• 10:30am - 1:30pm
• Cost is £15, to register contact Kieran.megraw.ulster@gaa.ie
November 2017 - February 2018 - Ulster Hurling Coaching Workshops: Whole-Part-Whole Coaching
• All details for Winter Hurling Coaching Workshops are attached and below.
• All Workshops are free of charge
Workshop / Conference Details
O'Neill's Ulster GAA Coaching & Games Conference 2017
The 14th O'Neill's Ulster GAA Coaching & Games Development Conference will take place on Saturday 18th November 2016 in Jackson’s Hotel, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal.
The theme of this year's conference will focus on the ‘Development of the Person and the Player – Warriors and Winners’
The initial workshops will look at creating the right structures for players to develop. Presenters will highlight skills to enhance players at academy squad level, the key relationship building required to motivate and grow players and also the stresses and strains experienced by players, which may affect their mental wellbeing.
The afternoon sessions will be focused on keynote addresses by a number of coaches, who have demonstrated vast experience of developing teams and individuals to perform at the highest levels.
The delegate cost of £30/€35 includes attendance at the conference and lunch. Delegates who pre-book through the Eventbrite website will also receive a gift from our sponsors O'Neill's Sportswear.
For further information contact the Ulster GAA offices on 0044 (0)28 375 17180
National Hurling Development Provincial Coaching Workshop Q&A with Martin Fogerty, Tommy Walsh, Jamesie O'Connor & Aidan Fogerty
Fri Nov 24th: Lamh Dhearg Gac, 168 Upper Springfield Road, Hannahstown, Belfast Bt17 OLZ
Registration: 08.30 p.m. Questions & Answers 9.00pm – 10.00 p.m.
Friday evening will be an opportunity to meet the coaches in a relaxed atmosphere and ask them questions about their outstanding hurling careers.
There is no cost involved on the Friday evening but please register for Friday by e mail to kieran.megraw.ulster@gaa.ie
National Hurling Development Provincial Coaching Workshop
Sat Nov 25th: Lamh Dhearg GAC, 168 Upper Springfield Road Hannahstown, Belfast Bt17 0LZ
Registration: 10.30 a.m. Workshop: 11.00 – 01.30 p.m. Lunch 01.45 p.m.
Practical and station based with participants rotating to each station. Target audience: Youth – Adult Coaches
Stations: Fitness with the ball; The Basics of Defending; Attacking & Striking
Coaches: Lead coach at each station will be one of our guest coaches from the list below, supported by a local Games Development Officer.
Jamesie O’ Connor (Clare), Tommy Walsh, Aidan "Taggy” Fogarty (Kilkenny) Martin Fogarty (National Hurling Development Manager)
Early booking advisable as places are limited. Bookings: by e mail to kieran.megraw.ulster@gaa.ie
Please post the registration fee of £15 to arrive before 3pm on Tuesday 21st November. Cheques to be made payable to 'GAA' and posted to Kieran Megraw, Provincial Hurling Workshop Belfast, C/O Antrim GAA Office, Unit 2 Social Economy Village 1B, Hannahstown Hill, Belfast BT17 0XS