see message below from Ulster Camogie - anyone interested in attending contact Karen McCormick ASAP.
Good Afternoon Folks,
Ulster Camogie are running a Level 1 course in Jan/Feb 2018 @ St.Marys Grammar School Magherafelt and would like to open up the booking process as of now to all current foundation coaches within Ulster.
The dates will be Thursday evenings ( Jan 11th, 18th & 25th + Feb 1st, 8th & 15th – (child protection evening) from 7pm-10pm each evening.
Ulster will be subsidising the course fees so participants will only be required to pay £40 to take part.
The Course will be filled on a first come first serve basis.
Can I ask that all counties circulate this information to your club secretaries ASAP and advise that booking needs to be done through contacting myself, with payment being made to Ulster Camogie Council.
Thank you for your support with this.
Niall Jackman,
Ulster Participation
& Growth Co-ordinator