We would like to make it a little bit easier for some of the people in our society. We are teaming up with St Vincent de Paul (SVP) to help support those in need in our local community in these times of uncertainty.
Now that masses are reduced / suspended the donations that SVP rely on will be severely impacted upon - so we want to assist them in their good work in our community.
We are justifiably proud, in the GAA, of our sense of community and the good work done throughout the county and the country, so on that note we want to help those who are less fortunate … with our own FOOD & ESSENTIALS APPEAL.
THIS IS REALLY EASY .... when our shopping pick up an extra item.
Tins of food, pasta, rice, tea, coffee, sugar, sauces, eggs, juice, milk, toilet rolls, soaps, tissues, the list is not exhaustive. If there is anything else you can think of that would make a person’s or a family’s life just a wee bit easier at this time please add to it.
For those who are not shopping and want to donate .... money donations will be accepted - just put your donation in an envelope and address it to Anne Smiley SVP North Antrim.
You can drop your donations off at the first changing room down at the Fr Healy Park
between the hours of 6pm -9pm each evening starting tomorrow evening Wednesday 18th March 2020.
Any queries give me a shout or if anyone else would like to assist in this initiative.
Karen McCormick