principles of GAA Concussion Management Guidelines
- Concussion is a brain injury that needs to be taken seriously to
protect the long term welfare of all players
- Any player suspected of having sustained a concussion, should be removed
immediately from the field and should not return to play on the same day
- Where a Team Doctor is present, he should advise the person in charge of the
team i.e. the Team Manager, in this regard and the player must not be allowed
to continue his participation in the game
- Concussion is an evolving injury therefore it is important to monitor the
player after the injury for progressive deterioration
- Concussion diagnosis is a clinical judgement – Use of the SCAT 3 can aid the
doctor in his /her diagnosis
- Players suspected of having a concussion, must have adequate rest of at least
24 hours and then must follow a Gradual Return to Play Protocol.
- Players must receive medical clearance (by a doctor) before returning to play
Module on Concussion Awareness
The GAA’s Medical, Scientific and Welfare Committee has devised an
e-Learning module which aims to help players, coaches and parents recognise the
signs and symptoms of concussion and understand the principles of managing the
injury. The module will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and
there is a quiz at the end.
1. Click on the below link
2. Check to ensure that pop-ups are unblocked (Unblock pop-ups) NB - The module will not open if
pop-ups are not unblocked.
and Symptoms
Contrary to popular belief, most concussion injuries occur without a
loss of consciousness and so it is important to recognise the other signs and
symptoms of concussion. A symptom is something a player will feel whilst
a sign is something a team-mate or coach will notice.
A player may experience:
A coach/parent/team-mate/referee may notice a player:
- Headache or Pressure
- Appears Dazed or Stunned
- Nausea
- Is Confused about Position
- Balance or Dizziness problems
- Forgets an Instruction
- Double or Blurry Vision
- Unsure of Game Details
- Sensitivity to Light/Noise
- Moves Clumsily
- Feeling Sluggish/Hazy/Groggy
- Answers Questions Slowly
- Concentration/Memory Problems
- Loses Consciousness (even briefly)
- Confusion
- Shows Mood/Behaviour/Personality Change
- Does not ‘Feel Right’ or ‘Feeling "Down”
- Forgets Events ‘Prior’ to or ‘After’ Hit or Fall
- Nothing!!
to Play Protocol
- A player with a diagnosed concussion should never be allowed to
return to play on the day of injury
- Return to play must follow a medically supervised stepwise approach and a
player should never return to play while symptomatic
- The full Gradual Return to Play Protocol can be viewed by clicking here
Plan for Players
- Recognise the signs and symptoms
- Report if suspicious, don't hide it
- Rehab with rest and medical guidance
- Return after following Return To Play Protocol and get
Other Resources
Concussion Management Guidelines 2013-2016
SCAT 3 - Medical Professional Use Only
Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool
Information Sheet for Players (Age 5 -18)
Information Sheet for Coaches/Parents
Information Sheet for Referees