Anyone wishing to run a
“Come Dine with Me”
We are currently organizing this fundraiser. There are several expressions of interest at the moment. This is another chance to support your club and host one yourself, with an enjoyable evening and not a lot of expense, and in turn raising much needed funds for the Hurlers training fund.
So heres calling all Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Girlfriends, Wives & Relations - of all the Hurlers
support your loved one with a Come Dine with Me.
This fundraiser does not have to be confined to within Loughgiel - calling all those supportive exiles to join in - have a Come Dine with Me in Ballycastle, Cushendall, Dunloy, Ballymena, Donegal - for the Loughgiel Training Fund!!
Contact Finvola McCann, Roisin Mc Fadden or Karen Mc Cormick for further details.
Proceeds in aid of All Ireland fund.