Name: Online Player
I recently signed up to play the club lotto online. I was advised that I would receive an email advising weekly results. I received an email the first week but unfortunately no emails for the past five weeks.
Let me check this out as there have been a few glitches with the system of late. Can you confirm your email address again. Thanks for your patience while we get this sorted.
Did you get this week Tuesday 13th lotto email?
Did you get this week Tuesday 13th lotto email?
Name: Supporter
Can i take this oppertunity to wish P.J.O'Mullan jnr a speedy recovery from his recent surgery. Lets hope he is back where he belongs for the championship. Great man great manager
Thanks for your wishes, we all wish the big man a speedy recovery.
Name: under eight parent
are only some of the under eights to go on thursday night or all of them
You will have to contact the U8 mentors to get this confirmed.
Name: Exile
I was looking at the history section of your excellent site and I am bit confused now trying to allign it with the... hearsay probably... that I've heard over the years. The history on the site talks about the original two teams in the parish being Tir-na-nog and Dalriada. The gossip I've always heard was the McCrackens and the Mitchells (with everybody the Magherahoney side of the chapel gates being a McCracken and everyone the Corkey side of the chapel gates being a Mitchell). Anyone else heard this old yarn and know where it came from?
The history of the site is correct and the hearsay is as it says hearsay!
Name: kevin Boyle
In reference to the post on guest book 5/4/14 signed K Boyle i would like it to be known that this post was not made by Kevin Boyle . If i had a comment to make in relation to any concerns and only for the good of the club i would make them personally and Certainly not on guest book.
Thanks Kevin...we appreciate you letting us know! you have on many occasions expressed your gratitude for our hard work and have certainly contributed to the developing our club yourself.
Name: K Boyle
Hi K Boyle can you please contact our PRO as per the previous email. Thanks
Name: Hurler
Can you correct the score from yesterdays senior game on your news tab- I don't think Ballygalget scored 16 points? I think it was in the region of 6 or 7!?
Thanks typo error on iphone!!
Name: K Boyle
PR very poor, when will you start letting us know when games are instead of what Neil McGarrys favourite TV program is? Is there a senior game on Sunday?
K Boyle happy to take/discuss your complaints directly mobile number is 07767393317 address 9 glenbush rd Armoy. Games and times generally up on website and automatically fed into facebook, weekly bulletin carries fixtures details known to the committee. This week’s pariish bulletin notices did not get to Sinead as my email fell into her spam inbox which she did not see until after deadline passed. Player/member profile is a new initiative to help drive people to the website and hopefully see our link to our new online lotto facility. This is targeted at the people who cannot access lotto tickets locally as they live outside of the parish. We hope to get as many of our local supporters to use this facility as possible.
Name: Paying Member
As a long term member of the club I would like to ask the question as to what if anything the club intends to do about this deal with the devil the GAA has done. The deal is with SKY so you'll have to pay to watch games from home!!! Utter shambles. Is a petition available?
This was news to us also, very different views out and about, in all honestly there's not much the club can do about it.
If there's a petition we will let you know
If there's a petition we will let you know
Name: Online Lotto
Common all Shamrockers lets get this done easy way to support our great club